Talk Radio Show – Sandy Hook

Last night I co-hosted a  new internet radio show by The title was “The Sandy Hook Massacre – What Really Happened”. It was an interesting discussion!

You can listen to it here.–what-really-happened

We’ll be on air every Sunday morning/afternoon/evening depending on where you are in the world (sorry Asian and Oceania people, it’s Monday mornings for you!)

With the topic of the next show being “Gun Control”, we expect it to be pretty lively. Callers welcome.


2 thoughts on “ Talk Radio Show – Sandy Hook

    1. Eh, no, but it's been high on the list over the past 5 weeks. I think I'm done with it now, apart from the gun control debate, which we'll be discussing on the show this Sunday. Check through the archives for other topics. Mostly political, but a few others there too. Do you have something in mind? A scoop for me perhaps?

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