Mainstream Media Embedded With ‘Sandy’ as Megastorm of Super-Destruction Brings Freedom and Democracy to U.S. East Coast

‘Hurricane’ Sandy is hitting the Eastern USA right before the US presidential (s)elections. New York is directly in the path of the storm. New York is also know as the ‘Empire State’. Today, the only ship sunk by Sandy was a replica of the Bounty. Two crew members, including the captain are missing. The original and famous HMS Bounty was an armed merchant vessel of the British Empire that was on a mission to try and transplant breadfruit from Tahiti to the West Indies as a cheap source of food for slaves. Coincidentally, the surname of one of the crew members that is missing was ‘Christian’.

Surely there a little food for thought there for the average thinking person (or slave). Not that there are many thinking people left.

Anyway, click for the big picture!

2 thoughts on “Mainstream Media Embedded With ‘Sandy’ as Megastorm of Super-Destruction Brings Freedom and Democracy to U.S. East Coast

  1. Am a resident of Vermont. We were hit by Irene last year and got the crap kicked out or us.
    This one, Sandy, has our complete attention. It is over a hundred miles away, and will not cross my place until Friday. (this is Monday) and the clouds are whipping past from east to west like they never do unless there is a nor'easter or hurricane coming. There is a steady stiff breeze and the air if filled with leaves blowing their autumn foliage away. This is a tense time of all of us here in New England. I care deeply about all my friends along seaboard who are numb with dread, knowing what Mother Nature can throw out. They will not sleep for days. Guess you have to experience the magnitude of her fury to understand.

    1. No disrespect to the people in the line of fire Timothy. This is certainly a time when people should be thinking long and hard about their priorities, in a specific way as regards the storm, and in a general sense as regards their lives and nation the path both have taken.

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