December 3, 2012December 4, 2012 Joe Quinn Rivers of Blood and the ‘End Times’ Politics The current era of ignorance and lies (like most other human eras I have to say) provides a self-styled rationalist and social critic like me FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
October 9, 2012July 24, 2024 Joe Quinn Comets, plagues, tobacco and the origin of life on earth Meteorites, sixth extinction There is hard scientific evidence that life on earth was, at least partly, the result of organisms deposited by comets. There is also plausible scientific FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
January 30, 2012 Joe Quinn New Sott Report: Strange Noises in the Sky: Trumpets of the Apocalypse? Earth Changes A new Sott report, featuring yours truly. From as far back as 2008, video recordings of strange and disturbing noises that seem to come from FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit