Was an ‘exotic energy weapon’ used to down Russian plane in Sinai?
Attentive observers of global politics may have noticed that when ‘terror attacks’ take place, Western authorities usually have a preprepared narrative about what happened and which terror group was responsible that is quickly pitched to the media and public. On very rare occasions however, such events are met with an uncharacteristic silence from the halls of Western power, at least for the crucial initial few days when the public mind is ‘open’ to impressions…
Such was the case with the downing of a Russian plane over the Sinai, when Western governments came close to saying absolutely nothing about the crash other than it had to be investigated. This was, of course, shocking to many people. After all, the authorities are meant to be authoritative and give us the simple black and white explanations we all crave so we can go back to sleep.
While the Russian government has repeatedly called for everyone to refrain from jumping to conclusions before any actual investigation had taken place, after their few days of relative silence, the US and British government officials couldn’t restrain themselves from pushing the terror threat into the collective face of the global public.
British ‘intelligence’ has led the recent campaign to convince the world that a bomb, and therefore ‘ISIS’, brought down the Russian plane. The evidence for this claim involves unnamed British intelligence personnel simply saying ‘it was probably a bomb’. When pressed for actual evidence however, they refer to “chatter” they “picked up” after the crash, where “ISIS militants” celebrated the event. In intelligence terms, “chatter” today usually means some tea boy at MI6 HQ seeing a post by an alleged jihadi on FB.
The closest we can get to non-social-media-based evidence for a bomb on the plane are statements by various unnamed sources, some of them allegedly “close to the investigation”. One such source told AFP that “everything was normal during the flight, absolutely normal, and suddenly there was nothing.” He described the accident as a “violent, sudden” demise.
Meanwhile, a source with access to the black boxes told France 2 TV channel that a sound similar to that of an explosion could be heard on the recording. This information has led other “sources closes to the investigation” to tell French news magazine Le Point that the Metrojet flight was “definitely blown up by an explosive device”. This was apparently based on analysis of the black boxes by Russian, French, German and Irish investigators in Cairo.
However, the claims by Le Point came amid reports that another source close to the investigation said the black boxes were yielding almost no useful information on establishing the cause of the disaster.
The insider said the flight data recorder ‘abruptly’ stopped working just over 20 minutes from takeoff, without giving any clue about the nature of the catastrophe which hit the plane.
And the voice recorder, including crucial conversations involving the pilots, is ‘badly damaged’ and ‘may also be useless’, according to Kommersant. Today, yet another “source” told Al-Ahram news portal that “the investigation has not confirmed the presence of any explosive device on board“.
The ‘evidence’ about what happened to the Russian plane therefore amounts to nothing more than one contradictory claim after another. And yet, somehow, that information and the statements by authorities based on it, has led to everybody ‘knowing’ that a bomb exploded in the hold of the plane. I smell a rat.
To Russia With Hate
It’s difficult to disconnect the downing of the Russian plane from the ongoing geopolitical situation, where Russia is in the process of kicking the US empire out of the Middle East and thereby seriously imperiling American hegemony and their god-given right to slaughter millions of innocents in the name of freedom and democracy. While those that stand behind the US empire appear to have been checked by Putin’s Russia in conventional military terms, or 3rd generation warfare, 4th generation warfare has been the standard for at least a couple of decades. So what is 4th generation warfare?
Fourth-generation warfare is defined as conflicts which involve the following elements:
- Are complex and long term
- Terrorism (tactic)
- A non-national or transnational base – highly decentralized
- A direct attack on the enemy’s culture, including genocidal acts against civilians
- Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through media manipulation
- All available pressures are used – political, economic, social and military
- Occurs in low-intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
- Non-combatants are tactical dilemmas
- Use of insurgency and guerrilla tactics
That list accurately describes the methods that the US empire has used against Russia in recent years, and it would appear to include the ‘tactic’ of shooting down of a commercial airliner full of Russian civilians to ‘send a message’ to Putin exactly one month after the beginning of Russian air strikes in Syria.
But I’ve already noted that there is no hard evidence from any official source as to what caused the crash, other than an “explosion”, and I’m somewhat skeptical that any such information will ever be forthcoming, so we’re left to analyze the available evidence ourselves.
Impossible descent and other crash anomalies
In a previous article where I speculated that the plane was brought down by an extreme weather/meteor event, I noted that Flightradar24.com data showed that the plane was ascending at 10km/h at 30,750ft when it suddenly began descending at 65km/h within one second (note: within one second, i.e. almost instantaneously). Three seconds later, it was descending at 153km/h. To say that this change in altitude was anomalous is to understate the matter. Unless the data is incorrect (and Flightradar has made no mention of data errors) it is impossible for a plane to do this, either by intentional actions from the pilots or the plane suddenly losing all power.
One of the passengers on the plane, 10-month-old Darina Gromova (name meaning ‘thunderbolt gift’), was found 34km from the main crash site. How is this possible?
Other initial reports included Egyptian rescue workers immediately on the scene claiming that they heard voices from passengers. This was later retracted with reports that all passengers had died. An Egyptian doctor who examined some of the bodies told Sputnik that there were a large number of body parts. While some speculated that this was evidence of a blast on board, TASS news agency cited Russian and Egyptian experts as saying that they failed to find any blast-related trauma during their preliminary examination of the bodies of the victims. Dismembered bodies, but no blast-related trauma? Do bodies just ‘fly apart’ on their own?
Initial reports stated that the pilot – while flying at at 30,000ft – had notified Egyptian ATC of a “malfunction in the wireless devices” and asked for an emergency landing “at the nearest airport”. This too was later changed to “no communication from the pilots” before the “violent and sudden demise” of the flight.
Images of the plane wreckage itself are highly anomalous. The main forward section of the plane, from cockpit to wings (inclusive), appears to have landed intact and ‘burned’ in place. But it was a strange ‘fire’ that consumed the fuselage, with no sign of any smoke or foam or water used to douse any flames, and no sign of scorching to the earth around that section of the plane. One would almost think the plane had been ‘electrically fried’ rather than burned.

‘Mossad’ Did It
On the day the plane went down, Israel was hosting its “largest-ever” international military exercises with US, Greek and Polish air forces in the Arava Desert in the south of Israel, more or less parallel to the area in the Sinai where Flight 9268 went down. For almost as long as militaries have existed, military exercises have been used as a cover for activities that must remain out of the public domain.
The Israeli Defence Forces have since confirmed they had intelligence assets in the region at the time of the crash. According to an official Israeli statement: “Since this morning the IDF assisted with aerial surveillance in the efforts to locate the Russian airplane that lost contact over the Sinai Peninsula.”
Interestingly, on the same day as the crash, one of the largest cyclones recorded in the Arabian sea, and the first to ever make landfall on the Arabian peninsula, was tracking towards Yemen.
These two events – military exercises and a hurricane – are more than a little reminiscent of the scenario that played out on September 11th, 2001, when the US Air Force was conducting several exercises and category 3 hurricane Erin was tracking towards the northeastern US coast, in the direction of New York, before it stalled that morning and reversed course out to sea.
In May this year, CNN reported that the US Air Force has confirmed the existence of a functioning electromagnetic pulse weapon.
In July this year, Reuters cited Pentagon officials claiming that “directed energy weapons” are “in various stages of development and testing”:
Lasers, microwaves and other directed energy weapons could soon be used more widely by the U.S. military, top armed forces officials and U.S. lawmakers told an industry conference on Tuesday.
The officials described weapons that are in various stages of development and testing by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Army, but said more work was needed to develop tactics for their use and to ensure sufficient funding.
“Directed energy brings the dawn of an entirely new era in defense,” Lieutenant General William Etter, Commander, Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, told a conference hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment in Washington.
Directed energy refers to weapons that emit focused energy in the form of lasers, microwaves, electromagnetic radiation, radio waves, sound or particle beams.
As far back as 1997, the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin was reporting that:
Weapons designers specializing in high-energy physics can now create electromagnetic pulses without going into outer space. One approach involves harnessing the force of a conventional explosion. Others are simply just modifications of radar, which bounces pulses of energy off aircraft in flight, vehicles on the ground, and other objects.
Crank up the power and you have an EMP weapon.This knowledge has set off a new arms race. Whether fitted into cruise missiles or parked at the side of the road in a van, non-nuclear EMP weapons have the potential to devastate the electronic systems of areas as large as a city or as small as a selected building.
It is a dream come true for any and all terrorists.
A very large EMP event such as a lightning strike, or the generation of high levels of electromagnetic energy by a man-made device, is also capable of damaging objects such as trees, buildings and aircraft directly, either through heating effects or the disruptive effects of the very large magnetic field generated by the current. An indirect effect can be electrical fires caused by heating.
Canneto: targeted by ‘electromagnetic energy weapon’
Back in 2004, the village of Canneto, Italy, was subject to a bizarre 3-week episode of ‘electrical fires’ breaking out in water pipes, washing machines, cookers and furniture, for no apparent reason. Even when the power was cut to the entire village, the fires continued. USB keys were wiped, compasses went haywire, automatic gates opened and closed by themselves, a car’s window was shattered by what the owner described as an “invisible drill bit”. UFOs were also seen in the area, according to Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera. One ‘UFO’ followed a helicopter of the civil defence forces, forcing it to land due to a malfunction of the rotor blades. On the ground it was discovered that all 3 blades had been damaged by an unknown object which had “changed the electrical conductivity within the blades”.

The bizarre fires also targeted a single species of plant – “Ampelodesmos mauritanicus” – ignoring all other flora. The roots of hundreds of the plants growing in the area around Canneto were carbonized deep into the soil. The possibility of human intervention was ruled out.

In 2007, it was proposed that the phenomena are caused by intermittent electromagnetic emissions, but a confidential file on the events that was delivered to the Civil Defence and the office of the Prime Minister of Italy advanced the hypothesis that “secret military tests” were to blame.
Obviously, this world is a far stranger place than most people recognize. It also appears to be ruled by individuals with an agenda and the means to achieve that agenda, that most people would find impossible to comprehend, much less accept as factual. The individuals in question are undoubtedly very content with such a state of affairs. By the way, the word ‘Mossad’, as used here, probably doesn’t equate to the overt Israeli government, but rather something much more sinister, if you can wrap your head around that.