July 25, 2012July 26, 2012 Joe Quinn Suspect ‘Eyewitnesses’ – From 9/11 to the Colorado Massacre 9/11, al-qaeda, assassinated, Bush, Cheney, CIA, Iraq war, ISrael, Jews, Politics, psychopathy, terror, terrorism, US government By now most people reading this already know that there are a number of unanswered questions surrounding the Colorado theater shooting, so I just want FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
August 7, 2011August 7, 2011 Joe Quinn Seal Team Six Silenced, But Not ‘Mark Walsh’ Politics ‘Useful idiots’ is how they’re usually referred to, but not all people unwittingly involved in government cover-ups are stupid. If they were, there would be FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit