February 1, 2008March 11, 2012 Joe Quinn Arun Gandhi And The Jewish Conspiracy Gandhi, ISrael, Jews, ponerology, psychopaths, psychopathy >Arun Gandhi is the fifth grandson of the famous Mahatma Gandhi, a public figure and an established and true man of peace. So what was FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
January 10, 2008March 11, 2012 Joe Quinn Would The Real War Criminals Please Stand Up al-qaeda, blood diamonds, Bush, charles taylor, CIA, Hague, ISrael, mossad, sierra leon, war crimes > Diamonds are a spooks best friend Charles Taylor, Liberian President for 6 years until 2003, is currently on trial for international war crimes at FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit