May 30, 2012May 30, 2012 Joe Quinn NATO’s ‘Civil War’ Machine Rolls Into Syria al-qaeda, assassinated, British government, CIA, civil libertes US fascism, illegal war, Iran, Iraq war, ISrael, mainstream media, MI5, middle east, oil, palestine It was only a matter of time before NATO’s hired killers were tasked with carrying out a massacre in Syria that NATO stooges at the FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
March 27, 2010March 11, 2012 Joe Quinn CIA’s Man ‘Wins’ Iraqi General Election allawi, Bush, CIA, dictator, illegal war, iraq elections, oil, rumsfeld > “I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows, that the Iraq war is largely about oil” – Alan Greenspan FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
January 10, 2008March 11, 2012 Joe Quinn Would The Real War Criminals Please Stand Up al-qaeda, blood diamonds, Bush, charles taylor, CIA, Hague, ISrael, mossad, sierra leon, war crimes > Diamonds are a spooks best friend Charles Taylor, Liberian President for 6 years until 2003, is currently on trial for international war crimes at FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
December 29, 2007 Joe Quinn >Benazir Bhutto – A Warning To Us All 9/11, assassinated, bhutto, CIA, ISI, Musharraf, pakistan, Zia > Benazir Bhutto – Murdered by the Pathocrats Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was murdered Thursday December 27th, 2007 in Rawalpindi, a city near FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit