August 22, 2013August 22, 2013 Joe Quinn Syria False Flag Chemical Attack – US, French and British Threaten to Unleash NATO Gimp 9/11, al-qaeda, British government, Bush, Cheney, CIA, dictator, Hague, MI5, middle east, psychopaths, psychopathy, terror, terrorism They tried it at least once already, and that time, rather than the Assad government, it was proven that, if anyone had used chemical weapons FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
January 10, 2008March 11, 2012 Joe Quinn Would The Real War Criminals Please Stand Up al-qaeda, blood diamonds, Bush, charles taylor, CIA, Hague, ISrael, mossad, sierra leon, war crimes > Diamonds are a spooks best friend Charles Taylor, Liberian President for 6 years until 2003, is currently on trial for international war crimes at FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit