February 18, 2013 Joe Quinn The American Way of Life: Kills Lists and Torture 9/11, al-qaeda, Bush, Cheney, CIA, civil libertes US fascism, Iraq war, Meteorites, middle east, pakistan, psychopaths, psychopathy, terror, terrorism, US government How many Americans are aware that their government has claimed the authority to arbitrarily kill their fellow citizens when it chooses, and that it can FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
September 15, 2012September 15, 2012 Joe Quinn Muslims Don’t Need a Badly Made Film Mocking Mohammed to be Incensed at the USA 9/11, al-qaeda, assassinated, CIA, dictator, illegal war, Iraq war, ISrael, Jews, middle east, mossad, palestine, Syria, terror, terrorism, US government, war crimes Western governments and the Western media would love for the entire world to believe that the recent (and ongoing) attacks on US embassies in the FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit