February 11, 2014February 11, 2014 Joe Quinn Psychopaths in Power and the Imminent Collapse of Global Society 9/11, al-qaeda, British government, CIA, civil libertes US fascism, drone, Earth Changes, Health, Human Society, Iraq war, ISrael, Jews, Meteorites, MI5, middle east, mossad, palestine, ponerology, psychopaths, psychopathy, sixth extinction, Syria, terror, terrorism, US government, zionist I can’t really comment in any informed way on societies in the East, except to point to the Chinese slave workers who produce mountains of FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
July 6, 2012 Joe Quinn Reign of Fire: Meteorites, Wildfires, Planetary Chaos and the Sixth Extinction Meteorites, sixth extinction Over the past 18 months, I’ve been growing increasingly concerned for the future of all life on planet earth. Sure, the signs that things have FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit
January 30, 2012 Joe Quinn New Sott Report: Strange Noises in the Sky: Trumpets of the Apocalypse? Earth Changes A new Sott report, featuring yours truly. From as far back as 2008, video recordings of strange and disturbing noises that seem to come from FacebookTwitterEmailMorePocketTumblrPrintReddit