UK Parliament Vote on Bombing Syria Makes a Mockery of Both History and British Politics
Watching British MPs try to make the case for authorizing the British military to “bomb ISIS” in Syria is reminding me of the time I
Internet essayist and author
To understand what is happening on the geopolitical global scene today, you have to understand what has been happening on that same scene for the
While it’s pretty clear that the Erdogan government is lying about the shoot-down of the Russian jet, and that it was indeed a deliberately planned
In this edition of The Debate, Press TV interviews Joe Quinn, an editor and researcher with, from Paris, and the president of the American
“It’s so shocking. When Charlie Hebdo happened, it was a specific, targeted attack. But this time it’s terrifying because it is just random, innocent people
Attentive observers of global politics may have noticed that when ‘terror attacks’ take place, Western authorities usually have a preprepared narrative about what happened and