The BBC: Protecting Pedophiles and War Criminals Since 2004
Over the last six weeks, the revelations that long-term BBC personality and ‘house-hold name’, Sir Jimmy Savile, was in fact a long-term child abuser have
Internet essayist and author
I have to admit, as Presidential acceptance speeches go, Obama’s acceptance speech was impressive. It was emotionally provocative (for Americans and non-Americans alike), it was
‘Hurricane’ Sandy is hitting the Eastern USA right before the US presidential (s)elections. New York is directly in the path of the storm. New York
Note: I wrote this article in June 2010 in response to the Israeli attack on the humanitarian aid ship the ‘Mavi Marmara’ and the murder
Just in case anyone missed the salient point in my last post; there is pretty clear evidence that many of the world’s governments (0r ‘the
Many scientists are quite happy to talk openly about a ‘sixth extinction‘ being underway for the past 10,000 years or so because they blame humans